I have researched other people, here is one man I think every one needs to know about.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - A man who once weighed more than half a ton has lost 321 pounds under the care of a team of doctors and hopes to lose 450 pounds more.
Patrick Deuel, 42, of Valentine, Neb., weighed 1,072 pounds when he was admitted to Sioux Falls’ Avera McKennan Hospital eight weeks ago. Deuel, who is just under 6 feet tall, is on a 1,200 calorie-a-day diet.
“If we hadn’t gotten him here, he’d be dead now,” said Fred Harris, Deuel’s lead doctor.
I could not believe my eyes. So I am making a change. I know alot of people say they are changing things and don't. Well, I am.
Today, I ate a bagel for breakfast and banana for snack. One hot pocket for lunch and a banana for snack. Only one and a half cups of coffee compared to my usual 4 or 5. A small bowl of spaghetti for dinner. I actually drank WATER today. Anyone that knows me knows I hate water, But I drank it today.
The most surprising was when I got off work. I brought my car home and parked it. Then I walked to Isaac's daycare and we both walked home!!!
I will keep you all posted on my progress.