Friday, March 09, 2007

OMG - What a Day!

Well, let me start off by saying - OMG! one more time.

This blog may be kinda lengthy because I have alot to get off my So go get something to drink and curl up in front of the computer and scroll down to follow my words...

Well, for starters Isaac almost went to juvenile hall yesterday. Yeah you read it right. He went to school and some kid threw an acorn at him so he decided to pick up a rock and throw it at his head. Well he didn't miss and the kid started bleeding. He went home with a compress on his head. The parents of this kid filed a complaint of "malicious intent" against Isaac. If they stop there - we can work it out at home. If they choose to file an actual assault charge against Isaac he will go in front of a judge and then they will decide if he goes to juvenile hall or not. We will not know that for sure until Monday - the parents have 72 hours maximum to change the complaint to a charge.

Because of this happening I was at the police department with him yesterday evening and was able to get him enrolled in a "STEPUPP" program. Kinda like big brothers and big sisters for children - but instead of using only peers for the children they work with the local police departments. He will have to have a "sleepover" at the jail, a psych evaluation and get a tour of juvenile and what really happens there. Kind of like a scared straight program for children and preteens. I am hoping that he really sees what it is like and that it is no fun.

I have scheduled his evaluation for next week - so I will let you know how that goes. He started back on his medication yesterday, so we will continue that. His medicine is always being tweaked here and there - so sometimes are rougher than others. But it really helps as a mood stabilizer for him. So hopefully we will see some change in his behavior.

I know you don't just pop meds in a kids mouth and get a new kid. I wish it were that easy - lol.
I know it has to do with behavior modification and being consistent. I really try - I really do. But sometimes he just goes on a tangent of his own. I don't know why. I wish I did because I would fix it for him. But now this - I can't fix for him.

He has been grounded and all the toys have been stripped from his room. He is on punishment until further notice. What is crazy is that it was 79 degrees today and he could not even go out and play. I feel bad - but I can't let him know that.

I feel like I failed him as a mother at all. Like it is my fault - I didn't show him right. But I know that is not right. I know there is nothing else I can do right now. I just need someone or something to blame it on. And nothing is fitting right now.

I have had such a taxing week - I need to stop now before I start on another tangent.

Love Always;

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