The bottom picture is a relaxing weekend at Meemaw's house in Waxahachie. We go out there for a whole lot of R&R...Those pups are his friends there - there is one more, Sandy, I have to get her picture next time...
The top one was my Mothers Day gift, He took a self portrait for me. I did not know until I developed the film on Mothers day. I asked him what he was doing and he said "Happy Mothers Day, I didn't get you a card". I laughed, hugged him- walked away and cried a little bit...Man, the emotional roller coaster kids give you...I love him more than anything. I can only hope and pray that he knows that.
Good night.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Just Bored and Venting...
Well, just figured I would drop a note filling you in a little of our days. We had a very peaceful day today and evening as well. Isaac had a wonderful day in school. I went and ate lunch with him at school today, we had a talk about respect and being good in class. Just a reminder talk basically, he has had a great week so far. After school, he got to play outside and roller blade with his friends. We went to a Mom's Night Out this evening. The church had babysitters for the kids and the Mom's got together and talked and socialized. It was nice not to have to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds checking on him - I knew he was in good hands. So I was able to be with adults and actually carry on a conversation - lol. I don't want anyone to think I regret losing my freedom - by having a child, I don't. I just have to use my time more wisely. I need to be able to be with adults - but I worry about him and his behavior.
I wonder what his father is doing while I am worrying... Probably nothing. He does not seem to care a whole lot anyway. He tells me this last week that he conveniently got fired from his job. So I guess that is a very smooth way to say - Isaac does not get any money for child support... So surprise, surprise when the check came it was $30 short. Was I mad? No - I already expected it. Not like he is very reliable anyway. Even though he has a second source of income - I guess he figures that the huge payment of $60 is going to pay his daycare, feed him and buy his clothes for the summer - even though his daycare doubles in the summer. But, I guarantee that his other 2 kids have what they need. But, regardless - Isaac will have what he needs - because I will, as always, make sure of it. It might seem like his dad stopped talking to us when we moved to Texas - but no, he lost us long before we moved. It is like he just did not want anything to do with either of us. So, I don't harp on Isaac to call him - I ask him and if he says no - then I don't make him call. But at least I make the effort to even ask him. What really ticked me off - is when Isaac had the surgery on his mouth I called him and told him that he should call and talk to Isaac, well I guess he forgot how to dial - because we still have not heard from him. Yeah, still not surprised. That is how his dad is. I can guarantee - even with him having a second income - he will not pay a dime of child support until he starts another job where they can garnish his wages again. He does not pay it voluntarily. Never has. It makes me wonder, how does he think Isaac is going to look at this when he gets older. I will never tell Isaac anything about his dad not paying anything to help raise him - but what he finds out on his own...well that is a different story. I will be there to answer his questions. But I am a firm believer on not pitting a child against a parent - no matter how worthless they seem to be. So, I guess this blog should be dedicated to any and all worthless dads who think that child support does not go to their child. Because I guarantee every penny of his went to him - and now thanks to his dad - he has none. Which means I will have to cover the extra money and the current bills and his daycare and whatever else comes up that needs to be paid. Because apparently - he is not going to.
Well, I know I do right by my son. I do whatever I can to make sure he has a happy and healthy childhood. I only wish he had a dad that gave a crap to be there too...a good dad does not even have to be there physically - but when he knows his dad and knows his dad does not even call. Or does not even write a letter - well, he is hurting himself in the eyes of his son. My son told me the other day, "Not all families have dads, it's ok". That is so true and it comes from a 7 year old... Go figure - he is smarter than we think.
So, I am going to bed now. I need to go to work in the morning - so I can make money to support my son - by myself.
Damn, I feel better - lol - Good Night...
I wonder what his father is doing while I am worrying... Probably nothing. He does not seem to care a whole lot anyway. He tells me this last week that he conveniently got fired from his job. So I guess that is a very smooth way to say - Isaac does not get any money for child support... So surprise, surprise when the check came it was $30 short. Was I mad? No - I already expected it. Not like he is very reliable anyway. Even though he has a second source of income - I guess he figures that the huge payment of $60 is going to pay his daycare, feed him and buy his clothes for the summer - even though his daycare doubles in the summer. But, I guarantee that his other 2 kids have what they need. But, regardless - Isaac will have what he needs - because I will, as always, make sure of it. It might seem like his dad stopped talking to us when we moved to Texas - but no, he lost us long before we moved. It is like he just did not want anything to do with either of us. So, I don't harp on Isaac to call him - I ask him and if he says no - then I don't make him call. But at least I make the effort to even ask him. What really ticked me off - is when Isaac had the surgery on his mouth I called him and told him that he should call and talk to Isaac, well I guess he forgot how to dial - because we still have not heard from him. Yeah, still not surprised. That is how his dad is. I can guarantee - even with him having a second income - he will not pay a dime of child support until he starts another job where they can garnish his wages again. He does not pay it voluntarily. Never has. It makes me wonder, how does he think Isaac is going to look at this when he gets older. I will never tell Isaac anything about his dad not paying anything to help raise him - but what he finds out on his own...well that is a different story. I will be there to answer his questions. But I am a firm believer on not pitting a child against a parent - no matter how worthless they seem to be. So, I guess this blog should be dedicated to any and all worthless dads who think that child support does not go to their child. Because I guarantee every penny of his went to him - and now thanks to his dad - he has none. Which means I will have to cover the extra money and the current bills and his daycare and whatever else comes up that needs to be paid. Because apparently - he is not going to.
Well, I know I do right by my son. I do whatever I can to make sure he has a happy and healthy childhood. I only wish he had a dad that gave a crap to be there too...a good dad does not even have to be there physically - but when he knows his dad and knows his dad does not even call. Or does not even write a letter - well, he is hurting himself in the eyes of his son. My son told me the other day, "Not all families have dads, it's ok". That is so true and it comes from a 7 year old... Go figure - he is smarter than we think.
So, I am going to bed now. I need to go to work in the morning - so I can make money to support my son - by myself.
Damn, I feel better - lol - Good Night...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Our Pride and Joy...
These fish have been our project since Jan, 2006. I am happy to report they are all doing well. Alot of people I talk to want to see pictures of them - so here they are. I believe this is a good way to teach Isaac responsibility. He does great remembering to feed them. If you look really close there is a box in the tank that has a baby guppie in it - we are waiting for her to get big enough to go into general population of the tank. Probably in a few weeks. So let me tell you what is in there. The big white and orange one is a Orange Oranda. The black one with big eyes is a Black Moora. The two gold fish were feeder fish we tested our tank with in January and they have just managed to stick around since then. There are 4 guppies, one is a fancy. And then there is the baby. Oh, of course the algae eater.
It is a bit overstocked, so soon there will be a second tank, probably another 30 gallon, just for the goldfish. Then the guppies will have their own tank. Since we can not have dogs or cats - these are our pets and we are happy to share them with you.
It is a bit overstocked, so soon there will be a second tank, probably another 30 gallon, just for the goldfish. Then the guppies will have their own tank. Since we can not have dogs or cats - these are our pets and we are happy to share them with you.
A little frustration goes a long way...
Well, I am back as promised and tired as Hell!!! I drove to my Meemaw's house this weekend and stayed Friday night. Then we drove back on Saturday evening. When I got in I was exhausted - though it was a little too hot in the house but decided to lie down for a little bit. Woke up sweating to death! Checked the air conditioner and what's new - the whole thing is blowing HOT air!!! It is like 90 outside and I don't have air conditioning! So, midnight run to Wal-mart so Isaac does not break into an asthma attack, we get a fan and that seems to help a little. I was up off and on all night putting cool rags on him to keep him cool - OMG what a night. But this morning is Mother's Day, and I got greeted in bed with nothing else than the best - a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. My favorite. So, we are going to spend the day together, and just relax. I did get my newest pictures developed - and I will post some on here. Nothing really has been going on here, just relaxing and enjoying the Texan Heat.
I will post later tonight - we are going to get in the sun for a while - maybe get wet...
I will post later tonight - we are going to get in the sun for a while - maybe get wet...
Monday, May 08, 2006
Thank God for Insurance!!
Wow, today was a very memorable day. Probably one me nor Isaac will ever forget. At least I won't.
Okay, so let me set the stage for you all. First of all keep in mind that only 2-3 weeks ago did I finally decide to go ahead and get dental insurance for Isaac because I was paying more without it. So, insurance is active and life is going on as normal. I wake Isaac up and we are getting ready for our day. Me for work and him for school. He starts brushing his teeth and tells me it hurts really bad. I thought he just did not want to brush so I told him I would do it for him. I started brushing and he kept whining so I told him I would get him to a dentist today. Wow, let the journey begin!!! I took him to school and went to work to begin the battery of phone calls to locate a dentist that would accept his insurance AND have an appointment open today. I finally called my own dentist, he does not specialize in children but I figured I would give it a shot. He told me regardless of anything he needs to be seen today and to bring him in. I went to school swooped him up, only to find he was already in the nurses office earlier telling them his tooth hurt too. Went directly to the dentist, I filled out paperwork and they took him back immediately and took x-rays!!! I was shocked to see how fast they were working - you would think my sons mouth was on fire and they were the fire department!!! I finished the paperwork and went to talk to the nurse - by this time I hear the dentist in the room telling Isaac what they were going to do to his tooth to make it feel better. Here is my 7 year old hearing medical jargon and understanding he has a bad tooth that this man is going to fix WITH A DRILL - and he's not scared! The nurse tells me the dentist is going to do a "pulpotomity" { I don't even know how to spell it-and at that point did not care} , I looked at another nurse and asked what the heck that was and she proceeded to take me to the other office and show me diagrams and pictures and my sons x-rays. Apparently he had a cavity that had went deep into his tooth!!! They were going to drill the inside of my baby's mouth and fill it with - what else - STEEL! I wanted to go in there and swoop my baby up and run out of there - until...I heard him talking to the dentist and listening and agreeing with everything he said was going to happen. I realized at this point that even though Isaac is 7 - he isn't really. He knew that his tooth hurt and this man was the one to fix it - so he was ok with it. The nurse motioned me to come in the room and I waved her a gentle "no". I stood outside of eye range for Isaac and watched the dentist do his magic and Isaac sit there so big, so brave and let the man do his work. About 30 minutes later he is done and Isaac's mouth is a little swollen but he is in no pain. I walked in the room at that point and he looked at me and said - it's over Mom. It was then that I was so proud of my son, I will never be able to forget this day. He sat there, listened to everything the dentist and nurse told him to do and was a true soldier at this point. When I was bringing him home, I made sure to tell him how very proud of him I was - I will never forget his smile at that moment.
So, the good with the bad - we made it through another day. And guess what? We go back tomarrow for cleaning and sealant!!! I guess I should say - what a week instead of what a day.
Good night to you all and Have a great week!!! I will touch base, hopefully, later in the week.
Okay, so let me set the stage for you all. First of all keep in mind that only 2-3 weeks ago did I finally decide to go ahead and get dental insurance for Isaac because I was paying more without it. So, insurance is active and life is going on as normal. I wake Isaac up and we are getting ready for our day. Me for work and him for school. He starts brushing his teeth and tells me it hurts really bad. I thought he just did not want to brush so I told him I would do it for him. I started brushing and he kept whining so I told him I would get him to a dentist today. Wow, let the journey begin!!! I took him to school and went to work to begin the battery of phone calls to locate a dentist that would accept his insurance AND have an appointment open today. I finally called my own dentist, he does not specialize in children but I figured I would give it a shot. He told me regardless of anything he needs to be seen today and to bring him in. I went to school swooped him up, only to find he was already in the nurses office earlier telling them his tooth hurt too. Went directly to the dentist, I filled out paperwork and they took him back immediately and took x-rays!!! I was shocked to see how fast they were working - you would think my sons mouth was on fire and they were the fire department!!! I finished the paperwork and went to talk to the nurse - by this time I hear the dentist in the room telling Isaac what they were going to do to his tooth to make it feel better. Here is my 7 year old hearing medical jargon and understanding he has a bad tooth that this man is going to fix WITH A DRILL - and he's not scared! The nurse tells me the dentist is going to do a "pulpotomity" { I don't even know how to spell it-and at that point did not care} , I looked at another nurse and asked what the heck that was and she proceeded to take me to the other office and show me diagrams and pictures and my sons x-rays. Apparently he had a cavity that had went deep into his tooth!!! They were going to drill the inside of my baby's mouth and fill it with - what else - STEEL! I wanted to go in there and swoop my baby up and run out of there - until...I heard him talking to the dentist and listening and agreeing with everything he said was going to happen. I realized at this point that even though Isaac is 7 - he isn't really. He knew that his tooth hurt and this man was the one to fix it - so he was ok with it. The nurse motioned me to come in the room and I waved her a gentle "no". I stood outside of eye range for Isaac and watched the dentist do his magic and Isaac sit there so big, so brave and let the man do his work. About 30 minutes later he is done and Isaac's mouth is a little swollen but he is in no pain. I walked in the room at that point and he looked at me and said - it's over Mom. It was then that I was so proud of my son, I will never be able to forget this day. He sat there, listened to everything the dentist and nurse told him to do and was a true soldier at this point. When I was bringing him home, I made sure to tell him how very proud of him I was - I will never forget his smile at that moment.
So, the good with the bad - we made it through another day. And guess what? We go back tomarrow for cleaning and sealant!!! I guess I should say - what a week instead of what a day.
Good night to you all and Have a great week!!! I will touch base, hopefully, later in the week.
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