Sunday, May 14, 2006

Our Pride and Joy...

These fish have been our project since Jan, 2006. I am happy to report they are all doing well. Alot of people I talk to want to see pictures of them - so here they are. I believe this is a good way to teach Isaac responsibility. He does great remembering to feed them. If you look really close there is a box in the tank that has a baby guppie in it - we are waiting for her to get big enough to go into general population of the tank. Probably in a few weeks. So let me tell you what is in there. The big white and orange one is a Orange Oranda. The black one with big eyes is a Black Moora. The two gold fish were feeder fish we tested our tank with in January and they have just managed to stick around since then. There are 4 guppies, one is a fancy. And then there is the baby. Oh, of course the algae eater.
It is a bit overstocked, so soon there will be a second tank, probably another 30 gallon, just for the goldfish. Then the guppies will have their own tank. Since we can not have dogs or cats - these are our pets and we are happy to share them with you.

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