Monday, May 08, 2006

Thank God for Insurance!!

Wow, today was a very memorable day. Probably one me nor Isaac will ever forget. At least I won't.
Okay, so let me set the stage for you all. First of all keep in mind that only 2-3 weeks ago did I finally decide to go ahead and get dental insurance for Isaac because I was paying more without it. So, insurance is active and life is going on as normal. I wake Isaac up and we are getting ready for our day. Me for work and him for school. He starts brushing his teeth and tells me it hurts really bad. I thought he just did not want to brush so I told him I would do it for him. I started brushing and he kept whining so I told him I would get him to a dentist today. Wow, let the journey begin!!! I took him to school and went to work to begin the battery of phone calls to locate a dentist that would accept his insurance AND have an appointment open today. I finally called my own dentist, he does not specialize in children but I figured I would give it a shot. He told me regardless of anything he needs to be seen today and to bring him in. I went to school swooped him up, only to find he was already in the nurses office earlier telling them his tooth hurt too. Went directly to the dentist, I filled out paperwork and they took him back immediately and took x-rays!!! I was shocked to see how fast they were working - you would think my sons mouth was on fire and they were the fire department!!! I finished the paperwork and went to talk to the nurse - by this time I hear the dentist in the room telling Isaac what they were going to do to his tooth to make it feel better. Here is my 7 year old hearing medical jargon and understanding he has a bad tooth that this man is going to fix WITH A DRILL - and he's not scared! The nurse tells me the dentist is going to do a "pulpotomity" { I don't even know how to spell it-and at that point did not care} , I looked at another nurse and asked what the heck that was and she proceeded to take me to the other office and show me diagrams and pictures and my sons x-rays. Apparently he had a cavity that had went deep into his tooth!!! They were going to drill the inside of my baby's mouth and fill it with - what else - STEEL! I wanted to go in there and swoop my baby up and run out of there - until...I heard him talking to the dentist and listening and agreeing with everything he said was going to happen. I realized at this point that even though Isaac is 7 - he isn't really. He knew that his tooth hurt and this man was the one to fix it - so he was ok with it. The nurse motioned me to come in the room and I waved her a gentle "no". I stood outside of eye range for Isaac and watched the dentist do his magic and Isaac sit there so big, so brave and let the man do his work. About 30 minutes later he is done and Isaac's mouth is a little swollen but he is in no pain. I walked in the room at that point and he looked at me and said - it's over Mom. It was then that I was so proud of my son, I will never be able to forget this day. He sat there, listened to everything the dentist and nurse told him to do and was a true soldier at this point. When I was bringing him home, I made sure to tell him how very proud of him I was - I will never forget his smile at that moment.
So, the good with the bad - we made it through another day. And guess what? We go back tomarrow for cleaning and sealant!!! I guess I should say - what a week instead of what a day.
Good night to you all and Have a great week!!! I will touch base, hopefully, later in the week.

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