Sunday, May 14, 2006

A little frustration goes a long way...

Well, I am back as promised and tired as Hell!!! I drove to my Meemaw's house this weekend and stayed Friday night. Then we drove back on Saturday evening. When I got in I was exhausted - though it was a little too hot in the house but decided to lie down for a little bit. Woke up sweating to death! Checked the air conditioner and what's new - the whole thing is blowing HOT air!!! It is like 90 outside and I don't have air conditioning! So, midnight run to Wal-mart so Isaac does not break into an asthma attack, we get a fan and that seems to help a little. I was up off and on all night putting cool rags on him to keep him cool - OMG what a night. But this morning is Mother's Day, and I got greeted in bed with nothing else than the best - a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. My favorite. So, we are going to spend the day together, and just relax. I did get my newest pictures developed - and I will post some on here. Nothing really has been going on here, just relaxing and enjoying the Texan Heat.
I will post later tonight - we are going to get in the sun for a while - maybe get wet...

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